Matthews South assists companies as they navigate the complicated process of going public.
From syndicate selection to pricing the deal, our team clinically analyzes every decision to optimize the outcome for your company. By having a true independent advisor, you can rest assured that the advice is unbiased.
Structural Alternatives – There are now several paths to going public: traditional IPO, direct listing, or SPAC merger. We will help you understand the benefits and tradeoff of each and choose the alternative that is the most appropriate best given your specific objectives.
Syndicate Selection – We will help you craft a bank line-up to achieve your objectives, including:
- Execution Success
- Research Coverage
- Lending
- Customer and Other Relationship Considerations
- Fee
Marketing Strategy – We will work with you and your underwriters to develop a marketing plan to best share the story you want to tell. We will also help craft your communication strategy with research analysts to ensure that each has a good understanding of your company’s story and financial outlook.
Launch/Pricing/Allocation – We will advise you on launch size and pricing ranges. Our team will further oversee the roadshow process and indications of interest to create meaningful price discovery so that the IPO can be priced efficiently. We will ensure that allocations are properly weighted to long term shareholders.
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