September 18, 2019
Offering Type: 144A
Execution Structure: Overnight Bought Deal
Maturity: 7 Years
Structure: NCL
Coupon: 0.125%
Premium: 47.5%
Effective Premium: Up 150% with Capped Call
Matthews South Role: Financial Advisor
Bookrunners: JPM, GS, Barclays
Use of Proceeds: Capped Call, Share Repurchase, GCP
Execution Structure: Overnight Bought Deal
Maturity: 7 Years
Structure: NCL
Coupon: 0.125%
Premium: 47.5%
Effective Premium: Up 150% with Capped Call
Matthews South Role: Financial Advisor
Bookrunners: JPM, GS, Barclays
Use of Proceeds: Capped Call, Share Repurchase, GCP
$650 Million Convertible Offering + Repurchase of $124.5 Million of Common Stock
Capital Structure Advice
- Matthews South worked broadly with the company and its board to determine the appropriate capital raise instrument (TLA, TLB, bond or convert) and size given Etsy’s strategic and balance sheet objectives
- Once the convertible option was selected, Matthews South helped evaluate the various structural alternatives with the base security and call spread
- Additionally, Matthews South helped the company think through the appropriate share repurchase size and strategy
Convertible and Capped Call Execution
- Matthews South recommended the company pursue an overnight bought deal structure because the “delta neutral” structuring meant that Etsy could achieve favorable terms and eliminate all market risk
- Terms achieved (0.125% up 47.5% with no stock price risk for a 7y bond) were among the best of any convertible in the past few years
- Matthews South helped Etsy orchestrate auctions for both convertible and capped call; the participants in each auction were carefully selected to optimize for the price competition and relationship management objectives
- Matthews South advised the company on all relevant documentation, which included several company friendly provisions in the capped call
Investor Reception
- The transaction was oversubscribed despite the abbreviated marketing period
- The security traded at par in the aftermarket confirming that Etsy achieved efficient pricing
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